31 December 2007

Last Day of 2007

Happy New Year to everyone!

It's been a good break so far from 'normal' life. But, I also look forward to getting back at "it" in a few days.

I don't know exactly what the Lord has in store for us in these next few months, but I know that He will do what is good and right, not only for us, but also for all of those connected with His ministry in Lima.

Yesterday, we had the joy of attending Redeeming Grace in Owensville, MO. The pastor was away on vacation and asked me to step in to lead worship and preach and lead Sunday school. They are such a great group of brothers and sisters in the Lord. It was good to worship with them.

I wish you all joy in Jesus in the new year!
Jim for all

28 December 2007

Vacation from...life

Well, I've obviously been taking this "vacation" thing way too far!

I've been out of touch from normal life for quite awhile now and it shows. It's been too long since I blogged. But, I wanted to at least write this to say...I'm still here. I promise.


22 December 2007

"Joe and Do"

Today, we had our first ever Christmas "Joe and Do" Open House! Below you will see the fresh donuts being made ready for their sugar coatings! :)

We had a bunch of people over...it was fun...not everyone could make it and we probably didn't get the message out soon enough (because, as you know, schedules get crazy fast around this time o' year).

Anyway, thought you'd enjoy the pic. Happy Holidays....Merry Christmas! Enjoy Jesus and the amazing reality that He left His Throne in Heaven because He loved us so much...and He actually became a little baby boy. Wow!

17 December 2007

Kids in Backyard with Snow Fort

Just thought y'all would like to see the kids (with friends) with their latest project: building a snow fort complete with a backwall and "roof" made out of broken tree branches.
I was out there with them, rolling little snow balls into these mammoth ones...and now my body is feeling so sore! :)
Merry Christmas!

12 December 2007

Seeking Fulfillment, Disobedience, Freedom and Love

I have been wrestling recently with the things listed above in my "title" for this post.

I have seen how I so easily turn to things for fulfillment that aren't able to fulfill me, nor are they supposed to. I can look to a Monday Night football game or some "comfort" food or whatever. But, the Holy Spirit has been so kind as to show me how unfulfilling these things are...how empty these things are when it comes to what my heart really longs for.

There's only one place...one Person, who can fulfill what my heart longs for. I'm thankful this morning as I write this that Jesus has loved me enough to see Him for who He really is and to be able to know Him and have a relationship with Him.

Now THAT brings my heart a sense of calm...a true sense of satisfaction. I'm thankful that in that relationship I can truly and honestly admit my failures and disobedient desires/actions to Him and know that it doesn't change His view of me.

There are times when I think of these things and think to myself, "Whatever. I've heard that before."

Then, there are times (more often) when I think of these things and think, "This never grows old. This reality of who God truly is and what He's done and what He is doing is such an amazing story."

I pray that for whoever might read this post, that this reality would hit you with a very heavy blessing. :)

Wreathdom, Etc.

So, there are wreaths, but other artistic stuff as well.

08 December 2007


Yes. All week long my dear wife has been doing one of the things she does best - being creative.

She has spent all week long turning our living room into a den of flowers, leaves, pine cones, cranberries, nuts....and many other things in order to make wreaths and flower arrangements. Why? Good question.

Today (Saturday the 8th) was a neighborhood craft sale. She did it last year and enjoyed it so did it again this year. Although, this year it was rainy and 32 degrees (or something like that). I believe she is one sick lady. ;(

Anyway, the bottom line is she had the opportunity to shine as God gifted her to do. And I enjoyed watching the process and the results.

Okay. Enough for now. If I remember to do so, I'll put up a few pictures of her wreaths.

02 December 2007

Ups and Downs

It seems as though this is a tough day....Friday was good, even Thursday. We saw God take us quickly through government processes that we thought would take a LONG time. But, we did them in record time, actually. Praise God. He can get through governmental "red tape"!


However, today seems a bit tougher. We are so longing to be in Peru and feeling the reality of the fact that it's been over three years since we started the process of thinking and praying about being a part of the work there. It's hard, from our perspective, to wait and wait and wait. As an American...I'm not used to this kind of patience. Lord, forgive me and help me.

28 November 2007

Which Animals are These?

Below you will see some pancakes that we made while Gramma and Grampa Ward were in town several weeks back. Can you guess what animals they are? This top one is somewhat easy (I hope). The bottom two might be a little tougher.

Just thought it'd be fun and different to post this than the usual comments. Enjoy.

Which Animals are These?

26 November 2007

Thanksgiving....Long Drives....and Chicago

Okay, I don't have much in me to write right now, but....

Thanksgiving was great. We drove 12 hours to get to western Maryland to be with my (Jim's) parents. We enjoyed ourselves, though were very tired on Sunday in light of the trip.

We got home Sunday evening around 5:00pm. Then, we woke up (sara and I) at 4:30am to get me to the airport by 5:30am to fly to Chicago to get to the Peruvian Consulate for visa stuff.

Then< I flew back to St. Louis by 2:30...okay, so can I just say I'm tired. :)

21 November 2007

On to the Next Trip...

So, Sara and I arrived back in St. Louis Sunday afternoon. We then proceeded to pack and get ready for our Thanksgiving trip to western Maryland.

Today, the kids went to school for a half day and did their Thanksgiving Day program and we ate lunch with them. It was a blast!

Then, we left immediately after to go as far as our bodies would let us (which turns out to be Richmond, IN in a Motel 6).

HAppy Thanksgiving!

18 November 2007

Mission to the World Conference - We're Back

We just got in town a few hours ago....collected our dear little ones...and are now trying to settle back in - FOR TWO DAYS and then traveling to my (Jim's) parents in western Maryland for Thanksgiving. Whew hew!

The weekend in Atlanta was fantastic simply because the Lord Jesus was so kind to bless us all with His Word and presence and rebuke and love!

Sara and I are highly challenged and encouraged at the same time! :)

15 November 2007

Atlanta Bound...MTW Missions Conference

Hey All,

Sara and I are flying to Atlanta tomorrow (Fri) to partipate in the Mission to the World missions conference for the weekend. We're looking forward to meeting lots of new faces and maybe reconnecting with some others.

Por favor...continue to pray for God to bring in the support that He wants us to have so that we are able to leave for Peru and begin working there.

12 November 2007

The Ups and Downs of Our Hearts

Yesterday, I had the chance to speak at two churches here in the Saint Louis area. It was very encouraging (as it always is) to share what God is doing in Lima and what He's called me and Sara and the kids to.

On top of that, we received a $500 check from someone, out of the blue, that we didn't expect in the least! It was a blessing and surprise and made us spontaneously thank our Father for His obvious control of life and it's details and our needs.

Yet, today, as I woke up and began to get into things, already I have a heavy heart and my doubts seem so real about will we raise the 100% of our support and when will we ever get to Peru. My heart is such a sad, dysfunctional, messed-up, broken place. How quickly I can go from such a "high" to such a "low."

I am SO thankful that God's love for me, His ability to use me and His call for us to go to Peru doesn't rely on my ups and downs!

09 November 2007

Abuelo y Abuela en Saint Louis

My (Jim's) Dad and Mom are in town so it's hard to keep up with blogging at the moment. But, I thought at least I'd tell you that much!


07 November 2007

Talking, Talking

So, last night Sara and I were able to visit a small group here at our church (New City) in St. Louis and talk more about Lima and our calling. As always it tends to be a blessing to us to be able to share our true hearts and passions for this work that God is doing.

I so appreciate folks who willingly listen and respond to God's movement. I hope that I can be that way more and more.

05 November 2007

Owensville, MO

So, Chloe and I decided to take a road trip to Owensville, Missouri. We've been wanting to visit there for a while and Chloe finally said to me the other day, "Dad. We really need to go this weekend to Owensville!" So, I said, "Let's do it!"


Okay, so that's not exactly how it went down.

Nevertheless, Chloe and I found ourselves worshipping with dear brothers and sisters in Christ in Owensville, Missouri at a church called Redeeming Grace Fellowship. It was a sweet time to hear about how God CLEARLY moved to bring this church plant about. And so, for me, it was fun to talk about how CLEARLY God moved to bring about the church plant in the Salamanca neighborhood in Lima, too! :)

Pray for those dear folks in Owensville whom God has called to be "oaks of righteousness" (Is. 61:3) in that area and agents of grace.

This Sunday coming up I'm going to be preaching at a church in Washington, Missouri Sunday morning and then going to present the work that God is doing in Lima Sunday night at a church in "West County", Saint Louis.

Pray for me and for the Family in Christ who is listening to what God has me saying. Pray that He will call the willing hearts to give and support generously His work and our calling.

01 November 2007

Enero (January)

Our heart's desire is to leave for Lima in January.

Will that happen? We don't know. But, we are asking the Lord to allow this to be so and working to make this happen. In the end, our priority is to wait on the Lord and go when He says so.

Pray with us.

Pray for January to be our departure date.
But, also, for us to wait on Him and not be impatient.

31 October 2007

What's Up

So, now it's a matter of following up with many, many people and several churches who have expressed interest in supporting us. I'm so slow at this. And I'm concerned now that we're nearing November (tomorrow!) and Thanksgiving and Christmas!

God is clearly asking us to push ahead with diligence and at the same time trust Him with great, passionate faith because He is so good to provide for us to do what He's called us to do. Plus, He's so committed to forming our hearts (our insides) to enjoy Him and all that is from Him...all that is good.

I am challenged, at times discouraged, but SO THANKFUL for our Heavenly Father's care, grace, love and work!

Back in STL

We made it back home on Monday.

I think we have all done good at transitioning back to home life quickly. These trips are getting easier to handle in one sense...we're more used to doing them then before. :)

Although we tired of our ride home (it took 11 hours instead of 7 because of a wreck/accident and construction and...um..ahem...a few adventures) we had a great time in Chattanooga for the weekend.

27 October 2007


Here we are, a reunited family (I drove from Columbia, SC yesterday and Sara drove from St. Louis). We have met up at a friends house here in Chattanooga, TN. yay!

We're speaking at a church Sunday morning and then another one Sunday evening. So, continue to pray.

I'm confident in what our Father says in Psalm 37:4 - that as we delight in Him He'll take care of our desires. So, by grace and in faith, we're attempting to seek the Kingdom first and let the support be His concern and work.

25 October 2007

God Surprises

Wow. I love it when God shows Himself for who He truly is: the perfectly loving Father!

I always have doubts that creep into my heart; and I always have rebellious thoughts and attitudes that tempt me and so many times I give in! But, in coming to Him, my perfect...heavenly....Father, He always treats me with love (sometimes that means strong rebuke or correction and sometimes that means sweet mercy and comfort)! But, it's always good.

I have just spent over 24 hours with some of the coolest brothers and sisters in Christ here in South Carolina. Some are friends I've reconnected with and some are new friends. But, it the same: a blessing of Holy Spirit and grace centered fellowship.

24 October 2007

From Olathe to St. Louis to Charleston to...

Well, here I sit in a home in Charleston, SC. First time I've ever been here. Life: the great adventure...

My host family has been outstanding! They've been incredibly warm, and we've had great food, coffee, conversation, etc. It's been a true blessing. Seriously. It has.

Plus, I got to see an old friend from Covenant Seminary days whom I haven't seen in 12 years, probably. It was enjoyable to have him pick me up at the airport and get briefly caught up.

Tomorrow (Thurs) I go before the Presbytery to share with them about what God is up to in Lima and what He's doing with us. Pray for me. Pray for them. Ask our Father in heaven to provide the resources to take us (the Wards) to Lima. Thanks!

22 October 2007

Back from Olathe, KS

It was my first time, ever, in Kansas, I believe. I enjoy going to new places.

It was a good time for me and Caroline (a father and daughter trip) in Olathe, KS. We enjoyed our trip there and back as well as the time that we got to interact with the church there (New Hope). They are a welcoming and loving group.

Pray for them and us - that the Lord would lead us all as to whether or not New Hope will partner with what the Lord's doing in Lima. He may lead them to do so, then again, He may lead them to partner somewhere else. It's in His hands. Praise God!

20 October 2007

Gotta Watch That Gas Tank...

So, I'm driving along in my borrowed Honda Element when (after 3 and 1/2 hours of driving) I happen to actually LOOK at the gas tank. And guess what I see? An EMPTY TANK!

Oh yeah, I was ready to panic!

But, God very graciously taught me to keep calm in that moment and within the next 5 miles I found a lone gas station in the Middle of Nowhere, Missouri. God is good. And very kind to help a foolish man like me.

19 October 2007

Let the Weekend Jaunts Begin...

So, this weekend we begin a "every-Sunday-away" season where each Sunday will find either one or all of us at a different church speaking about Lima and the Kingdom and raising support.

I'm in Kansas City and Sara is speaking at New City. Then, the following week I'm speaking at a Presbytery meeting in South Carolina and meeting with several folks.

Pray for the Lord to lead us all in this journey.

17 October 2007

The Daily Lesson...

Yeah, it does seem like daily the lesson to be learned is simple:

We cannot make results happen.

We can only be obedient to what the Lord has called us to do:
(1) As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and
(2) As a 'sent-family' to the people in Lima, Peru

So, each day and each activity must be by faith, totally dependent on His grace and He does what He alone can do.

Whew-hew! I'm okay with that! :)

16 October 2007

Attempting Videos

I am trying to make videos so I can post them here and then have folks be able to see updates that way instead of just words or pictures. So far, though, the only videos I can post here are the unedited "just-as-there-are" kind.

But, regardless, I believe since God has put us in a time in history where there's this great gift of technology and we can stay in touch in very helpful ways I think we need to as best we can. Video is one of the best ways...you get to see people's personalities in a way that pictures and words cannot always express.

So, keep watching...

15 October 2007

January 2003...

Support Raising is Fun

I'm sure that title sounds either funny or just plain wrong to you - it did to me initially (2 years ago) when I started doing this ministry. But, honestly, I can say that God has transformed my heart to see His work IN this endeavor.

I so enjoy the time I get to spend with people; to hear their stories and testimonies and get connected, or reconnected with them; and I enjoy being able to tell about what God is doing right now in Lima and how He is caring for those dear people who are in poverty spiritually and physically.

This past weekend Sara and I had the chance to meet with a few families and enjoyed it greatly.

12 October 2007

Fun Fact

This pizza place was one of Caroline, Chloe and Eli's favorite places to eat when we lived in Media (Philly area), PA.

They would still tell you today that they love this place.


God Continues to Not Treat Us As We Deserve

I'm amazed every time that God chooses to bless us in spite of our unbelief or doubts.

Though we wrestled yesterday with "results" in this support raising process/journey, God gave us a plethera of responses that we didn't expect, i.e. I've never had that many people or churches get back to me in one day before!

Let the record show: God clearly loves and blesses us all freely because of what Jesus our Lord has done and because of His plan and purpose.

09 October 2007

My body is extremely weary from the schedule I kept while in Philadelphia. :) But, it was such an encouraging trip: I had the opportunity to reconnect with some dear brothers and sisters in Christ and we got to share our lives together, even if it was only briefly.

God continues to confirm His call for us to go to Lima and - we've had more folks tell us they are going to pray for us and financially support us, as well.

It was a good trip! I am also glad to be back with my wife and kids!

07 October 2007

Home to St. Louis and Family

Yay! I get to go home tomorrow and see my family.

05 October 2007

What God Says - He Will Do

Psalm 37:4
God says, "Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires."

I read that verse the night before I flew out of St. Louis to come to Philadelphia. Then, during my plane ride (when all my seatmates where asleep next to me; I was in the middle with one on either side, by the way) I spent time thinking about these words and asking God to help me understand and live them.

Well, He has helped me to delight in His purpose/plan for me, Sara and the kids to go, work in Lima as He works there. I have also learned, by His loving help, that His plan is for me to raise money and prayer support - my family and I need BOTH...neither one or the other...but BOTH to be able to go and work in Lima; and I have found my heart's desires satisfied by Him as I do this work. :)

He is good! He is faithful! He is patient and kind! His love cannot be stopped even though mine can!

01 October 2007

Encouraging Trip Already

It's only been a few days but already God has greatly encouraged me through the people with whom I've met.

Some have expressed an interested in giving support, others have "blessed my socks off" with their words of encouragement and prayer.

Continued prayer that God would get the honor He deserves in this process and through me and His people; and that He would plant His vision for Lima in the hearts of His people.

30 September 2007

Jim in Philly; Sara and Kids in St. Louis

Well, I made it. Flew in yesterday and am in Philadelphia now for 9 days...I fly out Oct. 8th. Pray for me that God would bear fruit through me for His purposes and Kingdom. Pray for Sara and the kids in the same way and that they would be blessed with this time even though we're separated.

28 September 2007

Pray with Us

Dear Friends and Family - those who keep up with us in this journey:

We are at 60% of our monthly ongoing support. Once we reach 100% we can leave for Lima.

We have been promised a one-time gift of $10,000.00 when we reach 100% or our monthly ongoing support.

We are asking for you all to join us in prayer that God would graciously and mercifully allow us to go in January 2008. (That's four months away!) The reason, you ask? Because that would give us a great window of time to move our things to Lima, get the kids tested for their new school, spend a month doing intensive language learning in the city of Arequipa, Peru, then get back to Lima in time for the kids to start their school year at the beginning of March.

Please, pray with us for this. Pray, also, that we would do what God says in Psalm 37:5, "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him..."

And in light of that verse, pray that God would do as He says in the following verse, in Psalm 37:6, "and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."

27 September 2007

26 September 2007

Getting Ready for Jim's Trip

So, on Saturday I, Jim, leave for a trip to Philadelphia and region. I get the blessing of meeting with people to share what God is doing in Lima right now and what He wants us to be a part of. Cool, huh?

Pray that God's will would be done on this trip...details and testimony to follow...

24 September 2007

God's Continuned Encouragement

I met with someone today whom the Lord clearly used to send me a message:

#1. God is clearly calling us to Lima, Peru and He's the One who put this desire to do so in our hearts and minds;

#2. God continues to lay out specific parts of the vision/ministry only AS we walk along in this journey and He did so even in the last several weeks, i.e. God has planted His Church in Salamanca, a neighborhood in Lima, through HIs Peruvian believers and the Lima New City Team that we are joining is partnering with that ministry.

It's really exciting to see God give very clear, concrete form to what He's doing as He transforms lives/hearts/minds and brings workers to labor in a given field.

I'm sure I'll write more about this in the days ahead...

23 September 2007

Sara's Home!!!

Needless to say...WE'RE ALL VERY GLAD THAT SARA (OR MOMMY AS SOME LIKE TO CALL HER) IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22 September 2007

Video Welcome

Starting New...

Well, we're trying out a new blog site. HOpefully, with this we'll keep it new, fresh and updated with snippets of info, stories, pictures and videos...
