31 October 2007

What's Up

So, now it's a matter of following up with many, many people and several churches who have expressed interest in supporting us. I'm so slow at this. And I'm concerned now that we're nearing November (tomorrow!) and Thanksgiving and Christmas!

God is clearly asking us to push ahead with diligence and at the same time trust Him with great, passionate faith because He is so good to provide for us to do what He's called us to do. Plus, He's so committed to forming our hearts (our insides) to enjoy Him and all that is from Him...all that is good.

I am challenged, at times discouraged, but SO THANKFUL for our Heavenly Father's care, grace, love and work!


The Nolls said...

Hey there! I am alwyas so encouraged from your insites as to the blessing of this time of support raising. Eric and I struggled so through that time and its easy to just be glad its over (for now) and not remember and rejoicevthe GOODNESS of God as he brought us through each step of it.
May he continue to bless you all! much love!

newcityjim said...

Thanks for your words. We pray He blesses you guys greatly as well!