31 May 2008

Not a Natural Blogger..

Okay. What can I say? I'm not, by nature, a blogger.

I want to be. I'm trying to be. But, it just gets lost many times by the day to day busy of learning the language/culture and parenting/school routines and needs and Sara and I learning by grace and faith to adjust to this new world.

So, enough with my excuses already!

We're doing well, although highly frustrated at this point because the house that we are supposed to move into has become a "soap opera" of sorts. The tenant is not letting the landlord/owner of the house in to meet with her and let us see the house. (We've never seen the house.) Her lease is up today, so we hope that tomorrow or Monday at the latest we'll get things rolling, but we're not 'holding our breath.'

Each time we've had a scheduled appointment to see the house, she has canceled and rescheduled. That's happened four times now, I believe. It's amazing to me how the landlords/owners have little rights in these situations.

But, clearly, the Lord wants us to wait on Him patiently.

Help us, Lord

21 May 2008

16 May 2008

Here's a picture of Chloe and Eli having fun on Chloe's birthday (which was May 5th). It just took me a bit to get it on the computer and here. :)

12 May 2008

I have NO idea how the days fly by so quickly and I don't get a new post up more often! Sorry about that.

This week is an off week for the kids and for us in the sense that none of us have formal, scheduled class time. The kids just finished their first quarter of school and since our language tutor has kids at the same school we all decided it would be best if we took a break from our classes as well.

So, with this off week we were going to go away, but in the end, we didn't feel comfortable with doing that. We really wanted simply a week off. Down time, ya know?

Plus, we just got a puppy! Yes, it's true, for the first time in the life of this Ward family we have a dog and not a cat. We just got him today. His name is Max. Max is a laborador and only 1 1/2 months old. When we get a chance we'll have to post/send pictures.

All for this moment.

06 May 2008

Internet Troubles

So, for the past week we've been having trouble getting online at all. It's been incredibly frustrating and humbling since this is our main means of communicating with everyone in the United States.

But, it reminds me of how our move to Lima does, in fact, affect certain things about life. Life is different here. There are different ways of doing things and some things are as dependable as you would like them to be.

I don't know if tomorrow I'll have internet access or not. For that matter, it may be a week or longer. But, I wanted to at least communicate that just so you know.

03 May 2008

The Week of Parties!!!

Okay, so starting this past Wednesday we've entered into a season of parties, or maybe I will say fiestas. (For obvious reasons.)

Anyway, last Wednesday and Thursday nights we had two separate parties for a fellow Lima New City team member who is leaving the field since her 2 years of service are up. She was sad but we had a good time together. As of today, she is in the states. Blessings on you, Laura.

Then, today, Saturday, we are having a small birthday party for Chloe (she turns 9 on Monday the 5th) with a few of her friends at a nearby park.

Then, Monday, we'll do a family celebration with Chloe, but we're also getting together with another family since our friend also has her brithday on Tuesday. So, we're celebrating together at that time.

Then, another dear friend has her birthday on Friday the 9th so we're celebrating with her, her family and friends on next Saturday the 10th. Whew!

I'm not sure, but I think that will be the end of this season of Fiestas. God is good. We're thankful for all of these dear folks (and our daughter) whom the Lord has blessed us with.