31 October 2007

What's Up

So, now it's a matter of following up with many, many people and several churches who have expressed interest in supporting us. I'm so slow at this. And I'm concerned now that we're nearing November (tomorrow!) and Thanksgiving and Christmas!

God is clearly asking us to push ahead with diligence and at the same time trust Him with great, passionate faith because He is so good to provide for us to do what He's called us to do. Plus, He's so committed to forming our hearts (our insides) to enjoy Him and all that is from Him...all that is good.

I am challenged, at times discouraged, but SO THANKFUL for our Heavenly Father's care, grace, love and work!

Back in STL

We made it back home on Monday.

I think we have all done good at transitioning back to home life quickly. These trips are getting easier to handle in one sense...we're more used to doing them then before. :)

Although we tired of our ride home (it took 11 hours instead of 7 because of a wreck/accident and construction and...um..ahem...a few adventures) we had a great time in Chattanooga for the weekend.

27 October 2007


Here we are, a reunited family (I drove from Columbia, SC yesterday and Sara drove from St. Louis). We have met up at a friends house here in Chattanooga, TN. yay!

We're speaking at a church Sunday morning and then another one Sunday evening. So, continue to pray.

I'm confident in what our Father says in Psalm 37:4 - that as we delight in Him He'll take care of our desires. So, by grace and in faith, we're attempting to seek the Kingdom first and let the support be His concern and work.

25 October 2007

God Surprises

Wow. I love it when God shows Himself for who He truly is: the perfectly loving Father!

I always have doubts that creep into my heart; and I always have rebellious thoughts and attitudes that tempt me and so many times I give in! But, in coming to Him, my perfect...heavenly....Father, He always treats me with love (sometimes that means strong rebuke or correction and sometimes that means sweet mercy and comfort)! But, it's always good.

I have just spent over 24 hours with some of the coolest brothers and sisters in Christ here in South Carolina. Some are friends I've reconnected with and some are new friends. But, it the same: a blessing of Holy Spirit and grace centered fellowship.

24 October 2007

From Olathe to St. Louis to Charleston to...

Well, here I sit in a home in Charleston, SC. First time I've ever been here. Life: the great adventure...

My host family has been outstanding! They've been incredibly warm, and we've had great food, coffee, conversation, etc. It's been a true blessing. Seriously. It has.

Plus, I got to see an old friend from Covenant Seminary days whom I haven't seen in 12 years, probably. It was enjoyable to have him pick me up at the airport and get briefly caught up.

Tomorrow (Thurs) I go before the Presbytery to share with them about what God is up to in Lima and what He's doing with us. Pray for me. Pray for them. Ask our Father in heaven to provide the resources to take us (the Wards) to Lima. Thanks!

22 October 2007

Back from Olathe, KS

It was my first time, ever, in Kansas, I believe. I enjoy going to new places.

It was a good time for me and Caroline (a father and daughter trip) in Olathe, KS. We enjoyed our trip there and back as well as the time that we got to interact with the church there (New Hope). They are a welcoming and loving group.

Pray for them and us - that the Lord would lead us all as to whether or not New Hope will partner with what the Lord's doing in Lima. He may lead them to do so, then again, He may lead them to partner somewhere else. It's in His hands. Praise God!

20 October 2007

Gotta Watch That Gas Tank...

So, I'm driving along in my borrowed Honda Element when (after 3 and 1/2 hours of driving) I happen to actually LOOK at the gas tank. And guess what I see? An EMPTY TANK!

Oh yeah, I was ready to panic!

But, God very graciously taught me to keep calm in that moment and within the next 5 miles I found a lone gas station in the Middle of Nowhere, Missouri. God is good. And very kind to help a foolish man like me.

19 October 2007

Let the Weekend Jaunts Begin...

So, this weekend we begin a "every-Sunday-away" season where each Sunday will find either one or all of us at a different church speaking about Lima and the Kingdom and raising support.

I'm in Kansas City and Sara is speaking at New City. Then, the following week I'm speaking at a Presbytery meeting in South Carolina and meeting with several folks.

Pray for the Lord to lead us all in this journey.

17 October 2007

The Daily Lesson...

Yeah, it does seem like daily the lesson to be learned is simple:

We cannot make results happen.

We can only be obedient to what the Lord has called us to do:
(1) As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and
(2) As a 'sent-family' to the people in Lima, Peru

So, each day and each activity must be by faith, totally dependent on His grace and He does what He alone can do.

Whew-hew! I'm okay with that! :)

16 October 2007

Attempting Videos

I am trying to make videos so I can post them here and then have folks be able to see updates that way instead of just words or pictures. So far, though, the only videos I can post here are the unedited "just-as-there-are" kind.

But, regardless, I believe since God has put us in a time in history where there's this great gift of technology and we can stay in touch in very helpful ways I think we need to as best we can. Video is one of the best ways...you get to see people's personalities in a way that pictures and words cannot always express.

So, keep watching...

15 October 2007

January 2003...

Support Raising is Fun

I'm sure that title sounds either funny or just plain wrong to you - it did to me initially (2 years ago) when I started doing this ministry. But, honestly, I can say that God has transformed my heart to see His work IN this endeavor.

I so enjoy the time I get to spend with people; to hear their stories and testimonies and get connected, or reconnected with them; and I enjoy being able to tell about what God is doing right now in Lima and how He is caring for those dear people who are in poverty spiritually and physically.

This past weekend Sara and I had the chance to meet with a few families and enjoyed it greatly.

12 October 2007

Fun Fact

This pizza place was one of Caroline, Chloe and Eli's favorite places to eat when we lived in Media (Philly area), PA.

They would still tell you today that they love this place.


God Continues to Not Treat Us As We Deserve

I'm amazed every time that God chooses to bless us in spite of our unbelief or doubts.

Though we wrestled yesterday with "results" in this support raising process/journey, God gave us a plethera of responses that we didn't expect, i.e. I've never had that many people or churches get back to me in one day before!

Let the record show: God clearly loves and blesses us all freely because of what Jesus our Lord has done and because of His plan and purpose.

09 October 2007

My body is extremely weary from the schedule I kept while in Philadelphia. :) But, it was such an encouraging trip: I had the opportunity to reconnect with some dear brothers and sisters in Christ and we got to share our lives together, even if it was only briefly.

God continues to confirm His call for us to go to Lima and - we've had more folks tell us they are going to pray for us and financially support us, as well.

It was a good trip! I am also glad to be back with my wife and kids!

07 October 2007

Home to St. Louis and Family

Yay! I get to go home tomorrow and see my family.

05 October 2007

What God Says - He Will Do

Psalm 37:4
God says, "Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires."

I read that verse the night before I flew out of St. Louis to come to Philadelphia. Then, during my plane ride (when all my seatmates where asleep next to me; I was in the middle with one on either side, by the way) I spent time thinking about these words and asking God to help me understand and live them.

Well, He has helped me to delight in His purpose/plan for me, Sara and the kids to go, work in Lima as He works there. I have also learned, by His loving help, that His plan is for me to raise money and prayer support - my family and I need BOTH...neither one or the other...but BOTH to be able to go and work in Lima; and I have found my heart's desires satisfied by Him as I do this work. :)

He is good! He is faithful! He is patient and kind! His love cannot be stopped even though mine can!

01 October 2007

Encouraging Trip Already

It's only been a few days but already God has greatly encouraged me through the people with whom I've met.

Some have expressed an interested in giving support, others have "blessed my socks off" with their words of encouragement and prayer.

Continued prayer that God would get the honor He deserves in this process and through me and His people; and that He would plant His vision for Lima in the hearts of His people.