12 November 2007

The Ups and Downs of Our Hearts

Yesterday, I had the chance to speak at two churches here in the Saint Louis area. It was very encouraging (as it always is) to share what God is doing in Lima and what He's called me and Sara and the kids to.

On top of that, we received a $500 check from someone, out of the blue, that we didn't expect in the least! It was a blessing and surprise and made us spontaneously thank our Father for His obvious control of life and it's details and our needs.

Yet, today, as I woke up and began to get into things, already I have a heavy heart and my doubts seem so real about will we raise the 100% of our support and when will we ever get to Peru. My heart is such a sad, dysfunctional, messed-up, broken place. How quickly I can go from such a "high" to such a "low."

I am SO thankful that God's love for me, His ability to use me and His call for us to go to Peru doesn't rely on my ups and downs!


Unknown said...

Brother - we have been there too. It seems so wishy-washy to rely upon our hearts to ensure our happiness, but as broken people, that's what we do too often. It's a constant battle to give it over to God. We fight the good fight too my friend. Don't think you are in it alone. Erin

Melanie said...

You know, this morning I woke up sorting through the stupid voices in my head as well. I wondered if others struggle with mornings. God is good. I pray you may find some joy to sing in the morning about God's goodness while dealing with all those doubts.