27 February 2008

Wow. It's hard to believe, but today begins our 7th day here in Lima.

Nothing new to report. I just wanted to say that.


26 February 2008

Okay...days are speedin' by....whew!

The kids are enrolled and in the right grades: Caroline (5th), Chloe (4th) and Eli (1st). We are so thankful for God's kindness and care of all of these details!

Still no sign of Chico the family cat. Hmm. We think maybe he's gone to find a sweet elderly Peruvian lady to give her some comfort and attention. :)

We're still looking for a place to live; we keep looking out for possibilities. There are several, so that's good. We're not without options. Praise God.

I think I'm opening our first Peru bank account today. Lots of 'firsts' going on these days. :)

I do have pictures I just need to find the time to post them. And movies too.


22 February 2008


In case you've not heard, we are LIVING IN LIMA!

We made it in by 12:30AM, Thursday, February 21st. We even made it with our cat, Chico.

Much more to come in the days ahead. But for now this is about all I can handle. :)

God is so good.
Jim for all

16 February 2008

In Philadelphia

We're in Philly enjoying our time to reconnect with dear friends and family. It's been very sweet and a rich blessing so far. We're looking forward to the next two days before we leave!

Will write more later....

FOUR days to go until we fly to LIMA! :)

12 February 2008

So, it's 4:28am in a hotel room in Atlanta...

We were supposed to fly back to St. Louis last night but they canceled our flight due to the icy, freezing rain, etc. in St. Louis. We were bummed since we couldn't get back to our little ones and back to everything we still need to do before we leave for Lima, i.e. all our sweet and sad goodbyes and all the remaining details.

But, the Lord, in his amazing goodness and control of all such details blessed us with an early valentine's day date. :)

We got to go out to dinner and enjoy a romantic night with just us. It was so fun, in the end, after we let go of our plans for what the night (WE thought) was going to look like. God is...well...SO GOOD!

We are thankful for our dear friends in St. Louis who have been watching our children for us and taking great care of them.

There's always more to say, but right now we're supposed to be getting ready to run to the lobby and pick up the shuttle that goes to the airport. Gotta go....

Rich Blessings to you all!

09 February 2008

We're Homeless...for now

Today, we moved out of our apartment. We're homeless! Yeah! It's a good feeling, actually.

We had a great amount of help. It was a blessing.

We are now living with dear friends - right across the street from our former apartment. :)

We'll stay here until the 19th, when we'll spend one night at Sara's parent's place to say our goodbyes and they'll take us to the airport on the 20th.


05 February 2008

The Next Two Weeks

So, we've got some details to take care of and trips to do in these last two weeks in the States.

This week we're packing everything and getting out of our apartment by Saturday so that's one less thing weighing on our minds as we attend to the important stuff: saying our goodbyes.

This Sunday, the 10th, New City is having a farewell party for us.

Then, come Sunday we fly to Atlanta for our "exit interview" to be officially prepared to depart. We fly back to St. Louis on Monday.

Then, we fly out Thursday to Philadelphia to spend one last weekend with friends and family there and say more good-byes. We get back to St. Louis Sunday night.

Then, we say our final good-byes in ST. Louis and fly to Lima on Wednesday, February 20th.

Whew. That's it in a nutshell. :)

03 February 2008


We are official. On February 20th we leave St. Louis to fly to Lima, Peru!

As Sara said, "Yipee!...and Yikes." :)

Now, are challenge is to pack up or sell everything by this coming Saturday, February 9th, because that's when we move out of this apartment.
