12 December 2007

Seeking Fulfillment, Disobedience, Freedom and Love

I have been wrestling recently with the things listed above in my "title" for this post.

I have seen how I so easily turn to things for fulfillment that aren't able to fulfill me, nor are they supposed to. I can look to a Monday Night football game or some "comfort" food or whatever. But, the Holy Spirit has been so kind as to show me how unfulfilling these things are...how empty these things are when it comes to what my heart really longs for.

There's only one place...one Person, who can fulfill what my heart longs for. I'm thankful this morning as I write this that Jesus has loved me enough to see Him for who He really is and to be able to know Him and have a relationship with Him.

Now THAT brings my heart a sense of calm...a true sense of satisfaction. I'm thankful that in that relationship I can truly and honestly admit my failures and disobedient desires/actions to Him and know that it doesn't change His view of me.

There are times when I think of these things and think to myself, "Whatever. I've heard that before."

Then, there are times (more often) when I think of these things and think, "This never grows old. This reality of who God truly is and what He's done and what He is doing is such an amazing story."

I pray that for whoever might read this post, that this reality would hit you with a very heavy blessing. :)

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