19 October 2007

Let the Weekend Jaunts Begin...

So, this weekend we begin a "every-Sunday-away" season where each Sunday will find either one or all of us at a different church speaking about Lima and the Kingdom and raising support.

I'm in Kansas City and Sara is speaking at New City. Then, the following week I'm speaking at a Presbytery meeting in South Carolina and meeting with several folks.

Pray for the Lord to lead us all in this journey.


Unknown said...

Jim - this is an awesome time in your itineration. It's also a difficult time. We had 4 months of "away every Sunday" time - so we know, but also know the fruit it brings. God will be glorified during this time when others can see how He is using His people. God speed!

newcityjim said...

Thanks, Erin. I appreciate your perspective. I'm glad to be here in KC right now. Looking forward to tomorrow morning