17 March 2008

Using My Spanish

Okay. So, here we are in full swing, now. The kids are somewhat settling into their new school with helpers/tutorings beginning to get in place to help them with their spanish. God is always so kind and good.

Sara and I have now had 4 classes with our Spanish tutor and she is very sweet and helpful...and good at what she does.

The thing now? That I humble myself and come to the realization that I just need to speak...I just need to do it - to go out and speak to people: taxi drivers, cashiers, neighbors, Peruvian team members and fellow church members; and plan on making a million mistakes so that eventually I can "get it."

Pray for me. Sara's much better at this side of things than I am.

But, I NEED to do this. I want to do this. I really do becuase I want to RELATE to Peruvians heart to heart as best as possible. But, there's this fear and insecurity and pride. Lord Jesus...Father...please help me!


Anonymous said...

Jim, Sara, kids: The Lord is so with you. Fear not! He sent good tidings of great joy! For unto you was born...and died...and resurected!...a Savior, who is the Christ!

He has gone before you... he goes behind you... he is with you.

May you see him, know his presence, and laugh at so many bumbles as you speak the language of more of his people!

I love and miss you all. Karla

Unknown said...

Oh my friend - I am with you more than you know! I feel your pain, and understand right where you are coming from. Just do it! You will be wrong, you will say it in the wrong tense, or with the wrong meaning. But - be bold! I think it was so funny when I told the taxi driver to stop at the house next to the "casa con dos pies" instead of the "casa con dos pisos" - so - two feet instead of two floors, oh well...won't be the last! Good luck my friend!

mikepettengill said...

It is about laughter and atitude. Encourage others to laugh WITH you at your poor Spanish and then correct you. Invite correction. Be a learner.

As soon as you get comfortable with being laughed at and sounding stupid the faster it will go.