02 March 2008

First Day (Almost) of School

As the kids were going to bed tonight they could hardly contain their excitement over tomorrow's 1st Day of school. They've been asking us how long until they start and now it's finally here. They begin their new adventure with new Peruvian friends.

The reality is that the work load and the spanish on top of it will be hard, and sometimes it will drive them and us to utter frustration and weariness. But, that doesn't take away the joy of this new adventure that God our Dear Father has given us the opportunity to experience and be a part of.

Rejoice in the Lord always.

Today, I rejoice in the Lord because He is RICH in love and shows kindness to us even though what I (we) deserve is so much the opposite.

So, La Molina Christian School...here we come! :)


Unknown said...

Good luck my dear friends! Madison shares in your future frustrations of learning school work AND Spanish at the same time! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and on your kids' first day of school! How did you celebrate?

Love you!