18 May 2009

For what it's worth, here I am writing again even though I've kind of left this blogging thing go for months. I'm just not a good blogger. But, today, I feel like sharing something because the Lord Jesus blessed me as I took some time to read and think and pray about some sentences in Colossians.

In Colossians 2:9-10 Paul says that in Jesus "all the fulness of the Deity lives" and then he writes that we "have been made complete" in Him. Just as I let that sink in to my mind and my soul God helped me remember in a deeper way that He has freely and very kindly given me (and not just me but all who are saved by and believe in Jesus) EVERYTHING that I need.

If I need encouragement, I have it in Him, all I need to do is GO to Him and seek it and ask for it and realize that it's mine for the taking all because of His majestic kindness.

If I need the ability to love someone in a way that fits their need (in a good and right sense) then all I need to do is GO to Him and I will find that ability in Him when I need it.

I could go on but that's the idea that blessed me this morning. To any who might read this I really hope that God uses this little scribble to remind you of "every spiritual blessing" that is in Jesus Christ and how you have that if you belong to Him.

Thank you, Jesus!