11 December 2008


Wow. Thanksgiving has past and Christmas is on the way! How quick things move.

Thanksgiving was awesome even though leading up to the day itself I had a strange sense that this was nothing like what it should be. But, when the decorations went up and the people came over and the food was eaten - oh yeah, it was Thanksgiving. It ended up being one of the most delightful Thanksgivings that I can remember. It really was a blessing.

Thanks, Lord. It was unexpected in light of our first one away from family.

Christmas is on the way, as well as a transition from full time language school/tutor to ministry. I'm "chomping at the bit" as they say to get involved and yet, at the same time, I am fearful of attempting to minister in light of my level of Spanish. Clearly, this is a great case of seeking the Lord's grace and power to be at work in my huge weakness.

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