05 February 2008

The Next Two Weeks

So, we've got some details to take care of and trips to do in these last two weeks in the States.

This week we're packing everything and getting out of our apartment by Saturday so that's one less thing weighing on our minds as we attend to the important stuff: saying our goodbyes.

This Sunday, the 10th, New City is having a farewell party for us.

Then, come Sunday we fly to Atlanta for our "exit interview" to be officially prepared to depart. We fly back to St. Louis on Monday.

Then, we fly out Thursday to Philadelphia to spend one last weekend with friends and family there and say more good-byes. We get back to St. Louis Sunday night.

Then, we say our final good-byes in ST. Louis and fly to Lima on Wednesday, February 20th.

Whew. That's it in a nutshell. :)


Melanie said...

I'm at tears, so excited for you. I can't wait to read more emails once you're there. You've got someone that knows a little of the journey praying for you. And of course you've got Jesus who's already done the whole thing there for you too! Its so exciting to hear when each MTW person training with us leaves for the field!

Unknown said...

WHEW!!! Sounds exhausting! I think you will be happy to get to Peru! What an adventure that's about to begin...can't wait to hear what God has planned for you guys!